
This document has been produced to give players and crew a fair expectation of the standards of behavior expected at Know Your Role (KYR) events. Whilst it is impossible to create a policy that will cover every potential eventuality, it is the hope that this document will encourage continued work towards a more supportive and accessible culture in which LARP can be enjoyed without any player experiencing or fearing discrimination or harassment.

The Short Version

You must not:

  • Discriminate against others based on out-of-character attributes
  • Use derogatory or bigoted language based on out-of-character attributes
  • Sexually harass other participants
  • Make references to certain unacceptable themes
  • Become so drunk that you are unable to roleplay safely
  • Smoke or vape in an inconsiderate manner
  • Use illegal substances
  • Film or photograph others without their consent
  • Interfere with another participant’s belongings or mobility aids
  • Attempt to shrug off responsibility for your actions

If you break this policy, we can:

  • Offer you a warning and/or discuss the situation with you
  • Ban you from attending future events
  • Ask you to leave the event
  • Share certain information with other organizers, at our discretion
  • Take legal action, if the situation is sufficiently serious

We will:

  • Take all complaints seriously
  • Keep your information confidential, especially around complaints
  • Aim to provide any reasonable adjustment needed to improve accessibility


We consider inclusivity and accessibility to be fundamental to our vision for all our games, and to realize this as fully as possible, we place equality and diversity as one of our central considerations. The ultimate aim of this policy is to ensure that all players and crew participating in LARPs or attending this event are treated fairly, with dignity and respect, and do not suffer out-of-character discrimination or harassment. This policy applies equally to both events that we run, and to all online spaces that we curate.

By booking a place at this event, or using any online space which we curate, you are agreeing to abide by the following policy for all of your interactions with players, crew, and all staff from KYR, in line with the organizers’ interpretation and implementation of it. If you are not willing to abide by this policy of shared respect and dignity, we at KYR would ask that you do not book for any of our events; we welcome all comments, feedback, queries, and requests for clarification on this policy, which should be directed to

Whilst we have attempted to create as complete a policy as possible, we unfortunately cannot plan for every eventuality, however much we might like to. However we consider this equality and diversity policy to be a ‘living document’: we will continue throughout our LARP careers to update it as we consider new challenges to inclusivity and accessibility, and how we can best meet these issues to provide our players and crew with the best possible experiences at our Events. Where and when this policy is substantially updated over its lifetime, our players and crew will be informed in advance of any events.

Acceptable Behavior

It is the responsibility of all players, crew, and staff at KYR to adhere to this policy’s guidelines, and the aims and spirit for which they stand. Following this policy at all times for every interaction is a condition of attending any event run by us, or using any online space that we curate. Individuals should always act as if this policy is in full effect; if this is not the case – for example when a specific event is examining a theme normally off-limits – all players and crew will be explicitly informed in advance of the event. It should be noted that we consider the spirit of the guidelines to be as important, if not more so, than the specific wording of any part of the policy. Any attempt to defend unacceptable behavior by attempting to twist the wording of this policy will not be tolerated.

We expect all participants in our events to accept full personal responsibility for all of their actions. Excuses – such as actions resulting from intoxication – are not considered to be acceptable, and will be judged as harshly, if not more so, than unacceptable behavior which occurs in the context of sobriety – see the “Anti-Weasel Policy” below.

Whilst it is impossible to give a comprehensive list of all behavior that we would consider unacceptable, the following general categories apply:

Discrimination based on Out-of-Character Attributes

It is not acceptable to discriminate against or insult another participant on the basis of any out-of-character attribute that they may possess. This includes, but is not limited to, the following characteristics:

  • Age
  • Body type and physical appearance
  • Dietary requirements and choices
  • Disability or neurodiversity
  • Gender or sex, including transgender, agender or nonbinary identities
  • Nationality or national origin
  • Parental status 
  • Race, color, or ethnic origin
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexuality and relationship status – this includes “slut-shaming” or otherwise denigrating someone on the basis of their sexual desires or behaviours (or absence thereof), including former or current participation in sex work
  • Social or economic class, or employment status
  • Language

It is not acceptable to use any derogatory or bigoted language which refers to any of the categories listed above, or otherwise seeks to tease, humiliate, or insult an individual based on an out-of-character attribute they possess; for example, any racist, sexist, or ableist slurs, etc. We do not accept the excuse that any such language is used lightly, ironically, or in jest, for example ‘I always call them that’, or ‘I can call them that because we’re friends’.

Additionally, we would ask that all participants use inclusive language where relevant – for example, not using gendered terms (for example, ‘guys’, ‘gals’, ‘men’, etc.) to refer to mixed or hypothetical groups. We understand that this can be difficult due to the degree that gendered language is normalized in wider society, and accept that everybody slips up on occasion, but we would encourage all participants to make their best effort to keep their language as inclusive as possible.

Sexual Harassment

We consider sexual harassment to be entirely unacceptable and vile, and we pledge to fully support anyone who feels that they have been sexually harassed if they feel able to come forward about it. We are more than happy to provide anyone with a safe space to talk about any issues they may be having, with a crew member that they feel comfortable with. We are also fully willing to support any police action that needs to be taken against or on behalf of any of our players, crew or wider community. We promise anonymity when dealing with these issues if the victim requests it. 

Sexual harassment can generally be considered to be any pattern of repeated and unwelcome sexual advances in- or out-of-character, including but not restricted to:

  • Sexual comments, teasing, jokes, or comments on appearance or behavior
  • Creating an overly sexualised environment, for example by maintaining sexual conversations when individuals present have asked for the topic to be changed, or through displaying pornographic material outside of spaces in which all present have consented
  • Pressure for personal interaction with a sexual or romantic intent
  • Hugging, touching, groping, or any other unwanted physical contact

It should be noted that sexual harassment can be perpetrated by a person or persons of any gender, against persons of any gender.

Additionally, issues can arise around sexual harassment at LARP events when participants attempt to justify what would be unacceptable behavior in any other circumstance as ‘just being in character’. We at KYR do not consider this an excuse or justification for such behavior, and we will respond to any complaints of in-character sexual harassment with the same process as out-of-character sexual harassment. The use of this as a defense for actions deemed to be unacceptable will be considered to fall foul of our ‘Anti-Weasel Policy’, as outlined below.

Inappropriate Themes

The following list contains things that are not part, and never will be part of any LARP that we run. If you wish to include these themes in your characters backstory we kindly ask that you do not. Anyone found to be discussing these themes, making jokes or reference to them will be asked to leave the game and potentially be banned from all future games run by us. We understand that people use roleplaying as a way to process their own trauma and issues; however we also understand that not all players present have consented to be a part of that. We have all come together to have fun and play pretend in the woods, these topics impact upon that. As always if you do need to discuss these issues the crew area will have a safe space and people willing to help. 

  • Discrimination on the basis of any out-of-character attribute previously described, unless explicitly stated otherwise
  • Eating disorders (such as anorexia, bulimia, etc)
  • Infanticide (i.e. the intentional killing of an infant – aged 12 months or less)
  • Miscarriage and stillbirth
  • Non-consensual sex
  • Portrayals of real-world religions
  • Portrayals of real-world hate groups
  • Sex involving minors
  • Genital mutilation 

In addition, the following themes should be considered to require careful handling that respects their full gravity, as they may cause players, crew, and staff at KYR to feel uncomfortable or unsafe. If participants want to include or reference them during roleplay or discussion, they should give careful thought to the way in which they are portraying these topics, as they might cause distress to other players.

  • Abortion
  • Consensual sexual contact
  • Consensual incest
  • Domestic abuse
  • Mental illness
  • Self-harm and suicide

There may be scenes in our games where players find a body of someone who has opted to take their own life. We ask that if players are involved in such a scene that they treat the issue with the respect that it deserves.

This list of distressing themes is not considered to be exhaustive, if there are themes you would find distressing or triggering to encounter, please talk to us and we will attempt to mitigate this. You can do this before the game, during the game, or after the game as you see fit. If there is something that comes up that makes you uncomfortable we can address this and will attempt to take steps to mitigate this. 

Alcohol, Smoking, and Drugs

We understand that LARP is a social activity, and that some participants enjoy drinking alcohol, smoking, or using other intoxicating substances in such situations. Without wishing to take any moral position on this issue, we would like to make the following clear:

It is unacceptable for a participant to become so drunk that they are incapable of continuing to roleplay in a safe, responsible, and respectful fashion. Participants who are found to be in such a state will be asked to remove themselves from the in-character area.

If a participant has consumed alcohol, it is their responsibility to ensure that they do not get into a situation in which they are likely to cause harm to another person, such as by engaging in combat when they are incapable of fighting safely. If in doubt, a participant  should err on the side of caution – as a rule of thumb, if you wouldn’t drive, you shouldn’t fight.

It is unacceptable to use any illegal intoxicating substances at our events. This has serious legal repercussions for both the site and event management team, and can put individuals in difficult situations in regard to their professional obligations to report illegal activity. We reserve the right to ask any participant who is using illegal substances to immediately leave the venue, and to ban any individual breaking this rule from future events.

The use of other intoxicants which are technically legal, such as poppers (amyl nitrate), is likewise considered unacceptable.

We ask smokers and the users of e-cigarettes and vapes to obey all site-specific regulations around designated smoking areas, and to also be mindful of not smoking where it will inconvenience others. This includes not smoking in areas that people have no choice other than to pass through – such as near entrances or on major thoroughfares – asking permission from those around them before smoking, and moving away or extinguishing cigarettes on request. It is unacceptable to smoke indoors at any of our events, or in any tent provided by our crew, these are people’s personal property and we don’t want them smelling of tobacco. 

There will be references to drugs and their use in game, players may even find some “drugs” to trade with shady survivors. In these cases the drugs will be represented by legal, edible substances, sugar for cocaine, brown sugar for heroin etc. Please feel free to roleplay as you see fit around these areas. It’s the end of the world after all, it’s not like the police are coming. 

Other kinds of Inappropriate Behavior

Additionally, we consider the following to be unacceptable at our events; again, this is not to be considered an exhaustive list:

Filming, or photographing participants without their consent. We expect all photographers at our events – whether they are acting in an official capacity or not – to be mindful that some participants may not wish to be photographed, and to take down any unwanted photographs on request. Additionally, KYR considers the use of any video recording equipment such as GoPro by any participant to be unacceptable unless explicit permission to use such devices has been given in advance.

Interfering with any participant’s mobility or sensory aids, such as moving a wheelchair without the explicit permission of its user.

Entering an individual’s out-of-character room or tent without their explicit permission, or refusing to leave an individual’s out-of-character room or tent after being asked.

Interfering with any individual’s out-of-character belongings unless that individual has explicitly given permission for you to do so.

‘Gender policing’, for example, by asking another participant to leave a bathroom area based on their perceived gender.

The Anti-Weasel Policy

None of the following are ever considered a valid excuse for unacceptable behavior. Attempting to justify such behavior with these or similar excuses will be judged harshly should any complaint be made against a participant.

  • “I was drunk”
  • “It was in-character”
  • “I was only joking”

We remind all participants that the spirit of the policy is to be considered more authoritative than the exact wording, and legalistic attempts to defend breaches of acceptable behavior will not be treated as valid.

It is worth noting that whilst intent may provide context for any given behavior, it is not something on which we take a particular stance. This is to say – participants are held accountable for their actions and the consequences of those actions, not their intentions.

Complaints Policy

KYR supports a culture in which unacceptable behavior is challenged – no matter at what level it occurs, and the team will support any player, crew member, or team member at KYR who feels that they have suffered discrimination or harassment from another participant. We encourage all participants to challenge any unacceptable behavior as and when it occurs, but we understand that not everyone will feel confident or comfortable in doing so. To this end, we would encourage participants to bring complaints to our attention, and we pledge to deal with any complaints raised in a prompt, respectful, appropriate, and confidential manner.

Complaint Reporting:

At any event run by KYR there will be one or more designated members of staff or crew who are authorized to deal with complaints; their identities shall be made clear in advance of the event, and we shall endeavor to ensure that multiple genders are represented in the Complaints team.

Any participant who wishes to raise a complaint – either for themselves, or on behalf or another participant – is welcome to bring it to the named person or persons, who will take the lead in dealing with the complaint, and escalating it further if needed. Additionally, we will endeavor to have a named individual who is not directly associated with our team, to whom a participant can bring any complaints they might have about any of our permanent staff or organizers.

KYR will keep a log of all incidents which are raised in this manner, though all details contained within this log will be kept confidential, and be accessible only to KYR permanent staff. 

When acting in response to a complaint, we will keep the complainant anonymous unless they specifically grant us permission to do otherwise.

Warnings, Bans and Legal Action

When a complaint is raised, we pledge to investigate it in a thorough, and impartial manner. KYR recognises that there is a need to be fair and balanced in our treatment of any complaint; however, we reject the need for only acting when there is proof beyond reasonable doubt that the complaint is substantive. In general, we take the stance that all parties will be assumed to have been acting in good faith until proven otherwise, but we will lean towards giving the complainant the benefit of the doubt if the situation is unclear.

Breach of our policy may be grounds for an individual being banned from further attendance of all our events, or – if sufficiently serious – being asked to leave an event immediately, with no refund offered. In general, we anticipate giving any person in breach of this policy at least one warning before issuing a ban – so that an individual has a chance to attempt to adhere to this policy – however this should not be relied upon. KYR reserves the right to refuse bookings, or immediately eject players from our events, without any prior warning, should we consider there to be sufficient grounds to do so.

We reserve the right to ban any individual, or to refuse any booking, for any reason if we feel that it is necessary, with or without giving an explanation.

Whilst it is not our intention to implement specific “must-avoid” policies, we expect individuals to respect the wishes of others who may not want to interact with them for any reason.

KYR reserves the right to take legal action against any participant should the situation be sufficiently serious to warrant it, for example in cases of assault, sexual harassment, racial abuse, etc. In such cases, we will always confer with the injured party about the degree to which they would wish to pursue such action, and be guided by their wishes. Only in exceptional circumstances – such as when the injured party is under the age of eighteen, or there is a serious and immediate risk to others due to the nature of an allegation – would we ever consider taking legal action without the consent of the injured party.

Whilst we acknowledge that the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 does not specifically require us to have a child and vulnerable adult protection policy in place, we will take any allegations relating to incidents of this kind very seriously, and will in all cases seek further advice from the relevant statutory bodies on how to proceed should incidents of this nature occur.

Promoting Equality

KYR pledges to strive towards creating a game environment in which diversity is welcomed and accessibility is championed. To this end, we shall seek to incorporate any reasonable adjustments to our events to promote inclusivity, including but not restricted to the following categories.


In its present form KYR runs at a different site each event. As a result the accessibility adjustments that we are able to make will vary from event to event, and we commit to keeping our players informed of where we will be running. We are open to feedback regarding accessibility issues or opportunities at prospective sites around the UK.

Whilst we cannot provide an exhaustive list of potential accessibility requirements or adaptations, we pledge to make all reasonable adjustments to cater to any such requirements that our players or crew may have, including but not limited to:

  • Adjustments to catering to take into account dietary requirements
  • Free access to water and snacks outside of mealtimes
  • Access to refrigerator space for medications and the like
  • Priority allocation of sleeping facilities for those with restricted mobility or other specific needs
  • Access to power sources for wheelchairs, sleeping aids, and the like
  • Adjustment of in-game factors to avoid or alleviate out-of-character distress, such as by avoiding phobic triggers, or adjusting roleplaying effects.
  • The provision of an out-of-character quiet space for any that need it.
  • Attempts to provide multiple avenues of resolution to all plots and encounters, in order to maximize the extent to which those with specific accessibility needs can engage with them.
  • Discounted tickets for carers and assistants of participants with disabilities who need them in order to attend.
  • Providing gender-neutral bathroom facilities, where at all possible.

Parents and Children at Our Events:

It is the policy of KYR that all players, crew and staff at our events are over the age of 18. We acknowledge that having a blanket “18+” policy for attendance is potentially exclusionary. There are some unique challenges around the requirements of parents and children in the LARP environment, and at this time we do not believe we could meet those challenges in a satisfactory manner while running events with the staff/crew/experience we have. As such KYR is not a family friendly event and it is not appropriate for players to bring children or infants with them.

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